What's On
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Regular library activities

Baby Play – every Monday 10.30-11.30am
A session for parents/carers and their Under 1’s to meet, chat and play. Free to attend but space is limited. Visit the library or email them to book a place.
Spin a Yarn – every Monday 10.30am-12.00pm
If you love to knit, crochet or work with yarn, enjoy some ‘me-time’ with other yarn enthusiasts. All skill levels welcome, including beginners. Free drop-in session.

Rhymetime – every Tuesday 11.00-11.30am
Music and play for the Under 5’s with their parents/carers. Free to attend but space is limited. Visit the library or email them to book a place.
New! Board Games Club – every Tuesday 3.45-4.45pm
Enjoy playing a selection of board games. Sociable and fun! Ages 8+. Free. Drop-in. Starts Tuesday, 7 January 2025.

Storytime & Craft – every Wednesday 10.00-11.00am
Termtime only. For Under 5’s with their parents/carers. Listen to a story and do a craft activity relating to it. Engaging and lots of fun. Free to attend but booking is required. Visit the library or email them for details.

Scrabble – every Thursday 10.30am – 12.00pm
Give your brain a workout and pit your skills against other wordsmiths! A weekly get-together for Scrabble fans. All ages and abilitiess welcome. Free drop-in session.
The Thursday Social Club : every Thursday 2.00-3.30pm
This is a social group for grown ups! A place to meet and make friends, have a cup of tea (or coffee), chat, maybe do some crafts … and just relax! It’s absolutely free to attend, so why not drop in?

Oundle Crime Book Group – 3rd Friday 2.30-4.00pm
A book group for readers of crime fiction. Don’t expect in-depth discussions about literary style because the meetings are informal and fun. There’s no set reading list. Just enjoy meeting other crime fans to chat about books and authors. Find out more here.

French Language Cafe – every Saturday 11.00am-12.00pm
French conversation with a fluent French speaker. All ages and abilities welcome. Free to attend but space is limited, so visit the library or email them for more information.
Saturday Play – 1st and 3rd Saturday 10.30am-2.00pm
Toys available for all ages and time for families to have fun together. Free drop-in session.
Lego/Duplo Challenge – 2nd and 4th Saturday 10.30am-2.00pm
Pick a bag of bricks and build something amazing! Fun for all the family. Free drop-in session for children and adults.
Friends of Oundle Library
Glapthorn Road